
DBA: {{merchantInfo.dbaName}}
Your Sales Rep: {{merchantInfo.repName}}

Payment Frequency: {{merchantInfo.paymentFrequency?merchantInfo.paymentFrequency:'Daily'}}

All Offers Valid Pending Stipulations

 Bank Login

 Voided Check

 Landlord Verification

Avg Stats
{{merchantInfo.avgStats.avgDepositVolume | mycurrency}}

Avg Deposit Volume

{{merchantInfo.avgStats.avgDailyBalance | mycurrency}}

Avg Daily Balance

{{merchantInfo.avgStats.creditScore }}

Credit Score

Deposit Trend
More Stats
Stats Last Month
{{merchantInfo.lastMonthStats.depositVolume | mycurrency }}

Deposit Volume

{{merchantInfo.lastMonthStats.numberOfDeposits }}

# of Deposits

{{merchantInfo.lastMonthStats.avgDailyBalance | mycurrency }}

Avg Daily Balance


Days Negative: {{merchantInfo.issues.daysNegative}}

Notes: {{merchantInfo.issues.notes }}

Funding up to {{maxDeal.advanceAmt | mycurrency}} is available at a {{maxDeal.factor}}x over {{maxDeal.term/20}} months See All Max Options
({{commissionSlider.options.step}}% increments)
Required! Not valid number! Invalid: Min is {{commissionSlider.options.minLimit}}% Invalid: Max is {{commissionSlider.options.ceil}}%

Required! Not valid number! Invalid: Min is ${{fundingSlider.options.floor}} Invalid: Max is ${{fundingSlider.options.ceil}}
Required! Not valid number! Invalid: Min is ${{dailyPaySlider.options.floor}} Invalid: Max is ${{dailyPaySlider.options.ceil}}
 Tailor made offer per your special request
At the selected {{requestedComm | number : 2}}% commission rate, offers are available up to {{selectedMaximumMaxDeal.advanceAmt | mycurrency}} with terms as long as {{selectedMaximumMaxDeal.term/20}} months paying back {{selectedMaximumMaxDeal.dailyPay | mycurrency}} daily
No offers are available.
At the selected {{requestedComm | number : 1}}% commission rate, offers are available up to {{selectedFundingMaxDeal.advanceAmt | mycurrency}} with terms as long as {{selectedFundingMaxDeal.term/20}} months paying back {{selectedFundingMaxDeal.dailyPay | mycurrency}} daily No offers are available. Offers are available up to {{selectedFundingMaxDeal.advanceAmt | mycurrency}} with terms as long as {{selectedFundingMaxDeal.term/20}} months paying back {{selectedFundingMaxDeal.dailyPay | mycurrency}} daily
At the selected {{requestedComm | number : 1}}% commission rate, offers are available up to {{selectedDPMaxDeal.advanceAmt | mycurrency}} with terms as long as {{selectedDPMaxDeal.term/20}} months paying back {{selectedDPMaxDeal.dailyPay | mycurrency}} daily Offers are available up to {{selectedDPMaxDeal.advanceAmt | mycurrency}} with terms as long as {{selectedDPMaxDeal.term/20}} months paying back {{selectedDPMaxDeal.dailyPay | mycurrency}} daily No offers are available.

{{deal.term/20}} Months/{{deal.factor}}x
  • {{deal.advanceAmt | mycurrency}}
  • {{deal.paybackAmt | currency}}
    Payback Amt
  • {{deal.dailyPay | currency}}/{{deal.term}}
    DP/# of Days
  • {{requestedComm}}%/{{deal.commAmount | mycurrency}}
    Comm %/Comm $
{{deal.term/20}} Months/{{deal.factor}}x
  • {{deal.advanceAmt | mycurrency}}
  • {{deal.paybackAmt | currency}}
    Payback Amt
  • {{deal.dailyPay | currency}}/{{deal.term}}
    DP/# of Days
  • {{requestedComm}}%/{{deal.commAmount | mycurrency}}
    Comm %/Comm $
{{deal.term/20}} Months/{{deal.factor}}x
  • {{deal.advanceAmt | mycurrency}}
  • {{deal.paybackAmt | currency}}
    Payback Amt
  • {{deal.dailyPay | currency}}/{{deal.term}}
    DP/# of Days
  • {{requestedComm}}%/{{deal.commAmount | mycurrency}}
    Comm %/Comm $

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